Friday, October 30, 2009

Australia Terraforming Plan

Basically, Australia is a huge desert with some pretty bits around the outside and lots of expensive bits underneath. In the future there will probably be a resource war or for land space and UAE, India or China will take over. Even if the above doesn't occur there will be a population explosion sometime.
With thirst for creating usable land. It makes sense to terraform the worst bits into something usable. All the surrounding land should be effected and become healthy. So what are the steps.
1. Prepare the soil.
Dig a big trench up the guts and use that stuff to make a couple of mountain ranges extracting all the good bits along the way.
2. Seed
Build a few cities along the edges and connect them all to the rest of Australia's cities with air trains or maglev personal travel rails (more on these later)
3. Fertilize
Open an entry to the sea. This will allow for the solar EV boats to glide in carring all the good bits away. It should also combat the rising sea water issue a little. (more on that later too)
4. Grow
We don't actually need to do this part.
But you could bring in the people bots. Or just clone some. your choice.

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