Monday, June 21, 2010

Tim Tam - White

The Aussie Tim Tam is awesome.

No. It's just a chockolate biscuit with some more chock on it. And Very Sweet.

Of course, I love white because I am a white chocolate fiend. I don't often buy them because I simply eat the whole pack. Cold is best, straight from the fridge.

But If I have to eat an original one. Sucking coffee through one like a straw is delicious. The whole thing melts and you have to down it quickly and lick the remaining warm chock from your fingers.
I'd recommend double coat for this as they stay in form a little longer.

Natalie Imbruglia can demonstrate. Double YUM!

Some people call this the tim tam slam, but I just call it, sucking coffee through a tim tam.


Friday, June 4, 2010

The Crust

This hole doesn't seem too bad....

Until you look from above. 60meters Deep!!!!!

It realy makes you realise that we live on just a thin layer of concrete. We cannot imagine how insignificant it is.

In a few seconds, the world changes a little, but your world can completely dissappear.

Man Made causes or ...

Natural. Whatever the cause...

THE world is OK. YOUR world is  FCUKED.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

No Class


It's Piece of Cake... No It's the whole bakery.

Now, I know some will make the relation between Russell and me(Russell), So I'll just say. "You're like school after 3 o'clock...... NO CLASS!"


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Thunderbirds are FAB!

What an awesome series. As I kid I was glued to the TV.

My Dinky Toys FAB1 Lady Penelope Rolls Royce was an absolutely awesome toy.
Fold down the grille and press down on the front tyres to shoot a large rocket.
Press down on the rear tyres to fire the 4 rear rockets.

I think It is still somewhere. Painted Black.

reference here

Many more toys with thunderbird 2 and the 4 pod spent many hours in my bath time.
